Your Savings, Your Legacy
There is a way to take your required minimum distribution, skip the tax and make a meaningful gift to support your church or favorite ministry this year – the IRA Charitable Rollover.
If you are 70½ or older, you can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to support your church or favorite ministry. Making an IRA charitable rollover gift may lower the income and taxes from your IRA required minimum distribution this year.
It’s Easy To Do!
Instruct your retirement account custodian to send any amount (up to $100,000) to us this year. Because the Holston Foundation is tax-exempt, there is no tax paid on the transfer. All or a part of your required minimum distribution may be met and the money goes straight to work toward the ministry you are passionate about.
If the IRA Charitable Rollover does not apply to you, can you help your church or favorite ministry by helping spread the word about this important giving opportunity?
Questions? Want to make an IRA Charitable Rollover gift today? Contact Paul Bowman, executive director, at 865-690-8124.