Good Stewardship,
Greater Generosity

But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.

2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)

Committing to Faithful Giving
and Generous Living

The Holston Foundation looks forward to working with churches and pastors in the vital work of strengthening stewardship and generosity in our local churches and mission fields. Our goal is to provide encouragement, practical support and relevant and adaptable resources. Above all, we stress that our stewardship is linked to our discipleship and faithful living in Christ.

Our giving should come out of a deep sense of identity with Jesus. Faithful Christian stewardship most often emerges when we have been touched spiritually, and when we feel real gratitude for God’s presence in our lives and God’s abundant grace. With that in mind, we are called to live and give with passion and purpose.

Along the way, we need to say “thank-you”, often, to the many people who make the church’s ministry possible through their generous giving and generous living. And we need to tell stories of how lives are being changed because of wonderful acts of generosity. Those stories, well told, will encourage and motivate others to give and live lives of generosity.

Our faithful giving, and our commitment to leading generous lives, can make a real difference in helping the world to see Jesus. And, that has never been needed more.

We would love to walk beside your church in helping you to strengthen stewardship and generosity ministries.

Rev. Richard Edwards, Director of Stewardship

Important Themes