Provide & Protect.
Provide & Protect is a free information session for adults of all ages provided by the Holston Foundation and presented by Rev. C. Mark Gooden, Vice-President of Development. This program is for adults who need to make important decisions for end of life and parents who need to make responsible choices for their children.
Provide and Protect handout →
Hold a Session At Your Church
Rev. Mark Gooden has more than 40 years of experience in ministry and sharing opportunities to be generous with others.
Contact Mark Gooden to schedule Provide & Protect or learn more about the Foundation at or 865.690.8124.

Receive a FREE Copy of the Provide and Protect Book!
Free seminar offered by the Holston Foundation. Attendees receive a free Provide & Protect book and access to our free Internet Wills Provider.
Does your church have an aging congregation?
Do you have seniors concerned about the future?
Have a Provide & Protect seminar at your church. Schedule today!
Planned Giving Tips for Your Church:
- Invite the Holston Foundation staff to meet with Trustees, Finance or Endowment & Planned Giving Committees to discuss best strategies to reach & serve members.
- Invite Foundation staff to preach on giving.
- Link to your church giving website to encourage members to consider making a planned gift.
- Organize a gathering of members who have expressed an interest in leaving a legacy with Foundation staff to share options for them to consider.
Provide & Protect Focuses On:
- Qualities & attributes of a will
- End-of-life legal documents & issues
- How to give strategically to your church & ministries members care about