How Methodists View Resources

As Methodists, our view on money emphasizes stewardship, responsibility, and generosity, drawing deeply from the teachings of John Wesley. Here are some simple reminders for you about some shared beliefs regarding resources:

  • God is the provider and the owner. God has entrusted us with the resources we have in our lives.
  • We are the receivers and the stewards of these resources, regardless of size. We are responsible for how we use the resources that are entrusted to us.
  • We are called to take positive action, using resources in our olives to make a difference. We are blessed to be a blessing.

How can you grow your opportunity to share your resources? 

News: Give Generously and Get Income Too!

Ever wanted to donate to a good cause while also helping yourself? Now you can, thanks to a new rule called the SECURE Act 2.0! Here’s how:

You can donate from your IRA to your favorite charity–which includes your church or favorite ministry; before, making those donations might have lowered your retirement income.

Now, with the SECURE Act 2.0, you can donate up to $53,000 from your IRA directly to a special charity account commonly known as a Charitable Gift Annuity. This account not only helps your church/favorite ministry/charity but also uses some of the money to give you a steady stream of income every year! You can think of it as a way to help others and yourself at the same time!

The Holston Foundation can help you navigate this opportunity to be generous. Contact Paul Bowman at today to learn more.