Holston Foundation Matches Gifts for South Sudan
This is a critical time for our ministry with the people of South Sudan as they continue to be displaced in Uganda because civil war continues.
Churches across the Holston Conference will take a special offering on Sunday, February 16 (or a Sunday that best fits the church) to meet the critical needs of the ministry.
The Holston Foundation will match all gifts up to $75,000! This matching opportunity means that the impact of each gift is doubled. This is the largest matching gift in the history of the Holston Foundation.
Learn more about the Holston Conference’s ministry with South Sudan (including bulletin inserts and resources) at www.holston.org/southsudan. Take a moment to watch and learn more about the critical needs for this critical time Watch Video Now
Want to give now to our ministry with the people of South Sudan? Click here to give online (one-time or recurring gifts) or mail your gift to the Holston Foundation at PO Box 900 Aloca, TN 37701. Want to learn more or talk about including this ministry in your will? Contact Paul Bowman today.