Holston Foundation Announces Pilgrimage Support

During the Holston Annual Conference, the Holston Foundation announced a grant to support the Bishop’s Pilgrimage for three years. pilgrimage

The Holston Foundation has committed to awarding $15,000 in grants annually over the next three years. Funds will be available for clergy to attend the Pilgrimage trips, with priority given to ordinands and active pulpit clergy determined by the Episcopal Office. The trips are open to all clergy and laity of the Holston Conference.

“These are truly life-changing experiences, and they are leader development experiences. As we talk about Passionate Spiritual Disciples (PSD) and Passionate Spiritual Leaders (PSL), these opportunities feed into that. So we thank you for the generosity,” Bishop Debra Wallace Padgett said during the announcement.

It has been announced that the next Pilgrimage will be in the summer of 2025 to England for a Wesley Heritage Tour, and the 2026 Pilgrimage to Israel. (Details to come soon.)

The Holston Foundation is a partner in this ministry among the many ways it seeks to support the local church and its leaders. “I’ve been to the Holy Land but made those trips later in my ministerial career. I wish I would have gone earlier in my ministry because it would have changed the ways I preached and led,” Rev. Mark Gooden, Holston Foundation Vice-President of Development, said.

Read about the most recent Pilgrimage: Footsteps of Paul in March 2024 (attended by the Foundation’s own Paul . . . Bowman that is)

Click here to watch the Holston Foundation’s full report at Annual Conference, including this exciting announcement!