Better Ahead
By Paul BowmanHolston Foundation president

C. S. Lewis once wrote, “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” I believe that properly sums up my excitement as we enter a new year with its promises of beginnings and fresh opportunities. At the Holston Foundation, that means more churches reaching out to invest in our long-term and short-term funds, potential donors exploring how their legacy can be greater than just the division of their assets, and more ministries advancing the Kingdom through our grant program. (Keep scrolling for information about applying for grants and scholarships.)

2023 witnessed a resurgence in the stock market that wiped out the previous year’s dismal performance. Churches and ministries realized significant gains in both the Balanced Growth Fund and 100% Equity Fund, while our shorter-term funds rebounded considerably from the previous year. While we enjoyed the positive movement forward, we continue to remind our clients that “past performance does not guarantee future results,” though we are always hopeful and expectant of the Lord’s good work.

While investing is a major part of our ministry, working with individuals who wish to make a difference in their church or community bears witness time and time again to the transformative spiritual practice of generosity. From permanent funds established for ministry, to gifts of appreciated assets to fund budgets or meet pledges, generous donors continue to trust the Foundation with not only their earthly treasure but also their stories and convictions. It is not something I or Rev. Mark Gooden—our most recent staff member—take for granted.

Finally, 2024 will see many UMC and former UMC churches and ministries empowered with funding from grants that came from the generosity of others via our grant program. Each of these churches are seeking to faithfully follow God and minister to those in greatest need. People will be fed physically and spiritually, lives will be transformed, and many will know God’s love because of those who are the hands and feet of Jesus. It is the greatest blessing of working for the Foundation—helping those who are called to help others.

Although it is a new year, the Holston Foundation has been partnering in ministry as a fiduciary investor, assisting donors, and funding godly work since 1981. Some of the names of churches may have changed, but we continue to see a life-changing response to the Great Commission at each of these holy houses.

I look forward with great expectation for the Good News to abound to “the far better things” this year will bring us. I hope you do as well.