Beyond Generosity

Beyond Generosity is an event to inspire innovation and re-imagine expanding our faith communities and resources!

Beyond Generosity is sponsored by the Holston Foundation and the Holston Conference Stewardship Team. All clergy and laity are invited–from Holston and beyond!

Beyond Generosity is a two-day event on Monday, September 23, and Tuesday, September 24, at Concord United Methodist Church in Knoxville, TN. The event is open to everyone: clergy, church leaders, members, and those who want to learn more about leadership and faith. Consider bringing a group from your church!

Tickets for the two-day event are only $30 each, including lunch on Monday and keynotes from five innovative leaders in The United Methodist Church.

Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett has declared this the 2024  Holston Conference Gathering of the Orders for Clergy. Clergy can also receive .8 CEU’s will be offered for this event

Event Speakers

Lisa Yebuah has served as the lead pastor of Southeast Raleigh Table since 2016. She is a graduate of Wofford College and Duke Divinity School and is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. Rev. Yebuah is a Lululemon Ambassador and self-described “spiritual ninja.” Lisa served as a Resurrection speaker in the past.





Rachel Billups is a visionary, leader, speaker, and author. She serves as pastor at New Albany United Methodist Church and has previously served as Senior Pastor at Ginghamsburg Church in Ohio. Rachel draws on her love of people and passion to explore new venues for ministry and mission.

Rachel is an ordained Elder within the United Methodist Church and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible/Religion and History from Anderson University and a Master of Divinity Degree from Duke Divinity School.

Rachel is a popular speaker for national gatherings and authored BE BOLD: Finding Your Fierce and co-authored Down to Earth: Hopes and Fears of all the Year Are Met in Thee Tonight and Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas. She has also served as a Resurection and Divine Rythm speaker in the past.


Matt Rawle serves as Lead Pastor at Asbury United Methodist Church in Bossier City, Louisiana. He is a graduate of the LSU School of Music and Duke Divinity School. Matt is an international speaker who loves to tell an old story in a new way, especially at the intersection of pop culture and the church. He is the author of The Heart that Grew Three SizesThe Grace of Les MisérablesWhat Makes a Hero?,  The Faith of a MockingbirdHollywood JesusThe Salvation of Doctor Who, and The Redemption of Scrooge.


A native of the Holston Conference, Daniel Ogle serves as the lead pastor of Westside Table in Atlanta, GA. Westside Table is a ministry of Peachtree Road UMC, and Daniel has served as the founding pastor of this thriving and growing ministry. In Holston, Daniel served Fountain City UMC and Colonial Heights UMC in Knoxville. He graduated from Wake Forest University and Candler School of Theology at Emory University.





The Reverend Dr. Debra Wallace-Padgett was elected a Bishop of the United Methodist Church at the 2012 Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference.

At the time of her election, she was the lead pastor of St. Luke United Methodist Church in Lexington, Kentucky – an appointment she served for eight years. During her tenure, St. Luke grew in membership, strengthened its infrastructure, built a $4.5 million Ministry Life Center and launched a multi-cultural worship service.

Her previous service to the church includes six years as District Superintendent, three years as pastor of Paris First UMC and 11 years on staff at Lexington First UMC and two years as Director of Christian Education at Epworth UMC. She served in a variety of roles in the Kentucky Annual Conference, Southeastern Jurisdiction and General Conference. She is currently the chair of the standing Committee on Evangelism for the World Methodist Council. She previously served as a member of the Commission on a Way Forward,  the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, the Connectional Table and the Council of Bishops Executive Committee.

She is a graduate of Berea College (Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education), Scarritt College and Graduate School (Master of Arts in Christian Education), Lexington Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity) and Asbury Theological Seminary (Doctorate of Ministry).

Beyond Generosity is a chance to reimagine how your church can grow and serve your community.

Questions? Contact LeRae Edwards Collins at